So I’ve always wanted to take a trip up north to see the aurora borealis. But I’ve never really felt like flying all the way to Alaska, Canada, Norway, or Iceland. Just to freeze my butt off in the snow, while spooning with a bunch of furry sled dogs. Brrr!
Thing is, another thing that I just love doing is camping underneath the stars. And to do that the right way, you need to get out camping in a remote area without much light pollution. And yes, I’ve done that many times.
Indeed, I’ve seen countless shooting stars in the largest roadless area in the lower 48. And an incredible meteor shower that really blew my mind, as thousands of meteors streaked across the skies above the narrow gorge opening, below which I was camping on a pristine beach along the Middle Fork of the Salmon in Idaho.
Here’s the thing. I always rest easy when I’m lying in my tent with the rain fly pulled back, while I gaze up into the night sky. It makes me feel calm, at peace. Like I’m part of the larger whole, which I am…
Stardust, brothers and sisters. That’s all we are.

But here’s the problem. In the winter, I don’t like camping. You see, I’m a fair weather flower. So I’m not going to pack up all of my backpacking gear. Drive an hour, or more. Bust my chops, hiking all the way into some phenomenal wilderness area, just so I can freeze my hump off all night long. And quite possibly, lose a digit or two, due to frost bite and exposure to the elements. Cause that’s just not fun. Nope. Not gonna do it. So there, I don’t winter camp.
That said, I still crave those awe-inspiring views of the stars, particularly in the winter. So what to do then about this dilemma? Seems, though, that in this day and age that there’s a product for every need. And recently, I stumbled onto the fact that I could just purchase a projector, which would blast an image of the Northern Lights, coupled with a galaxy view of a bunch of twinkling stars, right onto my bedroom walls and ceiling.
Well, once I’d found out about this product, after a bit of internet sleuthing, using my favorite search engine. Why I just jumped at the chance to buy my very own Aurora Borealis Northern Lights Galaxy Star Projector. Total impulse buy for about $107.00. And so, I began waiting in quiet anticipation for my latest gadget to arrive in the mail.
And when it finally came about a week or so later, why I just ripped the package open and pulled the projector right out of the manufacturer’s box. That was when I spotted the manufacturer’s warning label, taped to it on a small card, which read:
“Warning: The Encalife Aurora Borealis Northern Lights Galaxy Star Projector has been known to cause spiritual visions and astral projection, similar to N.D.E., in some individuals. Please discontinue use of this product, if you experience any strange phenomenon or distressing psychological symptoms. Continued use of our product may result in permanent physical, psychological, and spiritual changes under certain circumstances.”
N.D.E? I thought, what’s that?
Oh, I get it. Just some clever marketing tactic by the manufacturer to make the projector seem like it could actually provide some kind of revolutionary mental experience… Something akin to the effects of a powerful psychedelic drug, or a rare moment of spiritual enlightenment. When, in fact, it couldn’t do that at all. As it was JUST a darn Northern Lights and galaxy projector. And nothing else.
So there was really nothing to worry about.
And with that thought aside, I immediately went back to setting up the projector on my nightstand and installing the app on my smartphone to control it. Unfortunately, it was in the afternoon when it arrived. And I wanted to do this right. So I’d have to wait until night fell to see the Northern Lights and stars play out on the walls and ceiling of my room.
Later that evening, after things got dark, to prepare for this monumental event, first, I took a red pill. Then, I loaded my Cure Disintegration Audio CD into my Bose Wave Music System IV. I’ve owned the Bose System for years! Amazing sound!
To set the perfect mood, I then turned off all the lights in my room, turned up the Bose, listening to “Plainsong”, very close to full volume… Now the moment of truth had come. And I was ready for it, after having took the red pill so long ago.
So, at long last, I finally turned on the Aurora Borealis Northern Lights Galaxy Star Projector.
Suddenly, my room was transformed. Condensation came from my mouth and nostrils. A chilly arctic breeze passed right through me. And a few flurries of light began to swirl around me. Now I was shivering.
On the walls and ceiling, I saw magical stars of green, twinkling. And fascinating wave after wave of pulsating, dancing, vibrating, stunning Northern Lights. The likes of which I’d never seen before. An exquisite display of color and light splashed and flowed, like ocean waves, on my bedroom walls and ceiling. And I was a part of it..
These Northern Lights, it seemed, were flowing straight through my heart and soul…
Suddenly, though, I was shaken by a deafening pop, as if a gun had been shot right outside my home. And right in front of me, in the rough direction of that boom, I saw that a dark hole was burning open in the wall. Then, to my complete shock and horror, a figure lurched out of this hole.
It towered above me, nearly touching the ceiling, this half-man, half-goat creature. Eyes of fire. Smoke coming from its nostrils. And, in his hand, the shaft of an arrow with a pointed needle, dripping with poison on its tip. And I knew in my heart, that this creature, this monstrosity, was pure evil. I’d never felt such terror. As the demon stepped forward toward me. The entire house rumbled, shuddered, and shook.

Now I knew that it’d come to brand me with the mark of the beast. That evil concoction of luciferase, graphene, ox hide, and nano razors, which, once in the blood, would inevitably cause viral spikes to sprout from my organs and endothelial cells, lining my veins, causing my blood to clot and hemorrhage. Making my heart swell, triggering a debilitating stroke, or even causing my eyes to explode from their sockets, as it also robbed me of my Christian humanity, all at once, too. The very essence of humanity, contained in my own unique DNA, which God had gifted me at my birth, as a child of God and the universe, itself…
But if I did not submit to the mark of the beast, the creature hissed to me. Then it would rob me of every means that I ever had of survival, and the very ability to make a living in this modern world. Moreover, after that, I would NOT be able to buy or sell anything upon the face of this earth. So surely, I’d starve to death, penniless in the streets.
For a moment, I simply cowered in terror, ready to capitulate to the crafty scheme of this Luciferian monster that had somehow appeared right in front of me straight from the depths of hell, itself. But, as I cast my eyes downward, I spotted my Bible on the nightstand. Instinctively, I grabbed for it.
And just as the creature was about to plunge its evil poison into my own body, I suddenly turned to it in defiance.
“Get thee hence, Satan! And to hell with you and your poison arrow!” I shouted, as I flung the Holy Bible straight into the face of this abominable beast.
And when my Bible hit its mark, this demonic entity suddenly screamed bloody murder and spontaneously burst into flames. Its burning body and flesh somehow dancing now in apparent celebration and glee.
Fire engulfed my whole room. I sprang from the bed. Dodged the demon. Ran down the stairs. Threw on a coat. And fled from my house.
Outside, in the street, I never stopped… I was too terrified to even look back. Because I just knew that there were many more demons… A whole legion of them. And they were all in hot pursuit, chasing after me, like a pack of wolves, or a murderous gang of thieves. And the very moment that I stopped running. It’d be all over for me.
Eventually, though, in a grassy field with a magical view of some distant mountains, I finally ran out of steam. Fell to my knees. Unable to carry on.
To the left and right of me, on the edges of the field, about fifty yards away, I could see the southern pines swaying in the gentle breeze. But, in between those trees, lurking in the dark shadows, I saw dozens of demonic eyes, glowering at me. And slowly, inexorably, those evil eyes surrounded me in a loop, which drew tighter and tighter around me, like a hang man’s noose.
I had no Bible now. Alone and defenseless, there was no escape. The darkness and evil were all around me. And all I could see and hear was those demons howling and screaming in the darkness, as they approached, gnashing their fangs. So eager and ready to tear my soul to pieces, cast me for an eternity into the Lake of Fire. I knew this was my fate. As I was going to be their very own blood sacrifice to Lucifer, himself. On the edge of surrendering my soul, giving up for good, I suddenly had the idea that there was just one ray of hope left.
Which was this: That only a prayer could save me now.
And so, I clasped my hands together, and cast my eyes to the stars in the heavens, as I began to recite the only prayer that I knew by heart.
The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.
He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: he leadeth me beside the still waters.
He restoreth my soul: he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name’s sake.
Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.
Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies: thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over.
Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the Lord for ever.
And when my prayer to the Lord and Christ was over. In the blink of an eye, I saw a bolt of lightening, flash down from the sky, striking me dead in the center of my heart. And suddenly, I felt my entire soul blasting upwards, as if I was on a rocket ship, heading straight for the heavens, themselves. And when I abruptly arrived there. Everything suddenly went entirely dark for what seemed like an eternity. But eventually, after a time in a place where neither time nor space had any meaning, a movie began playing of my life, right from the beginning… that suddenly just stopped.
He’s not dead, I heard a voice say.
You’re not dead, a man said, as he approached me.
I was struck by lightening.
You were brought here for a reason.
I know you… And, as I studied the inscrutable lines on this man’s affable face, it dawned on me that this was my father.
… Dad? I thought you were dead?
I’m not dead. There is no death. We’re pure awareness, a part of the infinite whole, if you have love in your heart and soul.
Unable to contain myself any longer, I reached forward to touch this man, who I’d been missing dearly ever since the day that he’d left this earth. And when my hand touched his essence, he suddenly burst into light. And I could no longer see anything.
Now it’s time to meet your maker. Until we meet again, my son…
And soon, I felt my consciousness flowing inexorably toward the greater whole. The Lord, the infinite awareness, the Great Spirit, and Christ himself. And then, I was there, being sublimated by complete awareness, and the universal whole, I was a part of… Yet, this entity– before me, behind me, and all around me, engulfing me, I was only the tiniest part of–was the ultimate source of it all. The AI of the universe, if you will.
And how it appeared to me was a building, built on energy, light, and love alone. An unfathomable building of infinite height and depth and width and density, humming, churning, and chugging along effortlessly and incessantly. As it manufactured, using its infinite creative force, love, and energy, the dreams and reality of all consciousness. And it was absolute consciousness itself, creating what we thought was a tangible reality, but was, in fact, simply the consciousness of this infinite, eternal, unlimited being. And now, I stood face-to-face with the unrelenting, inescapable machine, which was an infinite and eternal deity, always had been and always will be, of infinite possibilities. Which were all materialized and true and false all at once in the multi-dimensional universes of love and the harmonious calculations of the absolute truth…
Why do you flee your home? What do you fear, my human son? A voice rumbled within my heart.
Satan and his legion of living demons on this earth are trying to tear humanity to apart. Destroy the soul at the core of our beings. Create a totalitarian hell on this earth. And brand us all with the mark of the beast.
No, they cannot harm your true self. Or even touch you. If there is love in your heart. It is only your fear of them, of death itself, that gives Satan and his followers the power to turn humans into their puppets, into soulless psychopathic zombies, marching mindlessly in blind obedience and lockstep to their unholy agenda–wholly incapable of the individual agency of higher morality, love, and reason. Because their unbounded fears make them all slaves of their emotions by creating a vacuum without reason, rationality, and more importantly human compassion.
Know that your awareness is eternal and infinite, a part of the greater whole. And that death is just a transition to an awareness and merging with your God. Then, there is no fear. And you will be free from their evil, their deceit and lies, and their hatred of all things beautiful, free, pure, and just. And when others awaken to this, as well, and find love and solidarity amongst their fellow humans. Then, the very heart of darkness of these evil beings will just explode and burn to ashes and dust.
For these entities, these evil beings, cannot survive without the dark, negative energy of human fears and anxiety. And so, I say to you, set yourself free by living, breathing, and loving in this world without fear. Be this change you wish to see. And so it shall be for all of humanity…
And now you must return–
Then, without warning, I awoke, no longer in the green field surrounded by the demons, I remembered. Or even, in the heavens, themselves, with the Lord comforting me. But instead, I found myself lying alone in the bed in my room.
What the…? What just happened?
For awhile, I was at a total loss. But then, I quickly figured out that I must’ve just drifted off to sleep after I’d turned on my new Aurora Borealis projector. Then, I’d had a terrible dream about a demon, burning a hole through my wall, which had eventually morphed into a beautiful dream where I’d come face-to-face with the only living and breathing God. And he’d even spoken to me for a bit. Until I’d abruptly woken up in my room, feeling a bit bewildered and stunned.
But also, wide awake now. No longer asleep, like I was before. Wild, I thought.
Still, it was also dead in the middle of the night. And now, all I wanted to do was to just drift back to sleep again. So I could wake up feeling alright in the morning. But how to relax and calm down after such a mind-blowing dream?
Then, I cast my eyes toward the Aurora Borealis projector on my nightstand.
Now, it must’ve timed out, while I was dreaming. But I figured that I could just turn it on again. Then, slowly drift back to sleep again, while I relaxed to the sight of the Northern Lights and stars twinkling and wavering on the walls and ceiling of my bedroom.
Maybe I’d even turn on some relaxing music, too, I thought, if the Aurora Borealis projector didn’t put me to sleep by itself.
But when I reached for the projector and pressed the power button, nothing happened.
What? I thought. It couldn’t be broken. I’d just bought it!
So I pressed the power button again. And again. Still nothing happened. I tried it once more. And that’s when I noticed the blue glow…
But the blue glow wasn’t coming from the Aurora Borealis projector. It was coming from me.
I gazed in disbelief at my arm. And saw that it had become completely transparent. My God! What’s happening to me? And, on the inside of my limb, I could see about a billion stars swirling around, forming a whole galaxy. Then, I saw another one. Another galaxy of stars inside my arm! This is not happening …
In dismay, I glanced at my other arm. To my utter disbelief, it too had turned completely transparent. And amidst all the billions and billions of swirling stars that I saw inside of it, too, my eyes came to focus on the path of one distinct and beautiful shooting star, as it flashed all the way up my arm, right through my shoulder socket, and finally straight into the center of my heart.
My eyes were looking downwards now, gazing right through my transparent rib cage and chest. And right where my heart should’ve been, there was just a bright blue sphere, the rough size of a softball. Throbbing. Beating. Ticking along, just fine. And radiating this heavenly blue light that was all around me! Meanwhile, on the transparent surface of my skin, an aurora borealis was pulsating and vibrating, as if there was an electrical current flowing right out of me.
Suddenly, though, at that very moment, I felt sicker in my guts than I’d ever felt before in all my life. So I leapt up from my bed and tried to run for the bathroom. But I never even made it to the door, as I began choking, coughing, and vomiting, uncontrollably, for what seemed like an eternity. But all that came out of me was a relentless flow of tiny stars, millions upon billions of them. Which quickly filled the whole room, drifting and swirling all around me, like an unrelenting snowstorm that seemed to have no end. Dazed and confused, I clutched my heaving chest and staggered blindly back to my bed, where I just collapsed. My life energy draining right out of me. With not much left to contribute to humanity. Maybe just a few things ..
Now I knew that death had finally come for me. Indeed, I could even see that blue globe inside my chest, as it suddenly just stopped beating, for no apparent reason. And soon, I was no longer breathing. But I wasn’t afraid of anything, because of what God had told me. And his words, which I’d heard, loud and clear. And even, if it had all just been a dream, well, it was what it was and nothing could be changed. Anyway, at this point, I only had but one life to surrender today. Moreover, there would be no more thinking, only being now. Awareness.
At which point, I just observed with great wonder and awe, as that perfect sphere inside my chest. The very heart and soul at the core of my being, suddenly just burst into a supernova of light, love, and indestructible energy, which blasted me off my bed, like a rocket. Shooting me straight up, passing instantly and harmlessly right through the ceiling and roof of my home. And up and up, into the night. So, once again, I’d become a blazing arch of light, riding on a wave of pure energy and love, heading straight for the stars. To return to the place from where I’d come from, where I’d find peace, love, and forgiveness, at the end of the day, in the arms of my maker.
Thank you for reading my post about my Trip To See The Aurora Borealis. If you’ve enjoyed reading this, please subscribe so that I can send you notices about my future posts. Subscribing is FREE and I don’t spam or share your email. Also, please share this post with your friends, family members, and co-workers on the usual social networks. This will help support this blog and grow my audience.
Please note, as well, that this post contains affiliate links, meaning, I recommended products and services I’ve used or know well and I may receive a commission if you purchase them too (at no additional cost to you). As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.
This article is NOT an endorsement of any aurora borealis, galaxy, or star projector. I did purchase the Aurora Borealis Northern Lights Galaxy Star Projector, mentioned above, prior to writing this article. However, the content of this post is NOT meant to serve as an accurate review of the above product. In addition, this is NOT a sponsored article. To be clear, I’ve enjoyed watching the effects of the Aurora Borealis Northern Lights Galaxy Star Projector. However, I have had the app lose connectivity to it, repetitively. That said, it still works fine with just the remote. And, perhaps, I just need to try re-installing the app… The effects, though, are still very cool.