Grayson Highlands in Pictures

Feature picture depicting first light of a new day in Grayson Highlands.

During my last trip to Grayson Highlands, I camped at one of the highest elevation campsites around the entire park. Better still, this campsite provided me with some stunning 360-degree views of the surrounding mountains. Glorious. But if those panoramic views were a serious sight to behold. Well then, you should’ve seen the breathtaking sunset … Read more

Grayson Highlands Backpacking: The Attack of the Wild Ponies

Grayson Highlands Backpacking feature picture of wild pony.

I’m very familiar with backpacking Grayson Highlands in Southwest Virginia. More so than most people. That’s a fact. Simply because I usually backpack Grayson Highlands about two to five times per year. Moreover, I’ve been backpacking Grayson Highlands, like this, for several years now. So I know the trails, campsites, locations of most of the … Read more

The Grayson Highlands Backpacking Dream

The Grayson Highlands Backpacking Dream

The Grayson Highlands Backpacking Dream? Yeah, well, what’s that? I can explain. Easy. First, when you backpack Grayson Highlands, you’re living the dream. Right from the very moment when you step out of your car and breathe in that fresh pine scented mountain air. Already, it’s restoring your soul. Teaching you things, if you’ll listen. … Read more

Fly Fishing Bradley Fork

Fly Fishing Bradley Fork Feature Picture

Fly Fishing Bradley Fork in GSMNP. This was my most recent Fall fly fishing camping destination. I had good reasons for going there, too. For starters, the weather forecast was looking warm and sunny for at least one week. Moreover, the Smokies had just received a good amount of rain at the start of Fall, … Read more

Backcountry Fly Fishing On The Other Side

Backcountry fly fishing on the other side art.

Backcountry Fly Fishing On The Other Side is based on true events… My confession. If the truth be told. See. I had the most earth-shattering backcountry fly fishing trip, ever. Years ago. One that will never be topped. Not in this life. And it was just as the trip was starting. That’s when it hit … Read more

The Top 3 Backpacking Backpacks of 2023

The Top 3 Backpacking Backpacks of 2023

So what are the top 3 backpacking backpacks of 2023? And beyond.. The answer is easy. The 3 I recently purchased over the last 3 years since moving to NE TN. That said, I’m going to cover a few more backpacks in this article than just those 3. Why? Cause I’ve researched MANY brands and … Read more

Sam’s Gap to 19E: A Hiking Horror Story

A Hiking Horror Story

So section hiking Sam’s Gap to 19E on the Appalachian Trail. I bet you want to know what it’s like… Well, I suppose that I could tell you exactly what you’d discover on this scenic and isolated part of the A.T. However, my 75-mile section hike through this remote region was rather strange, scary, and … Read more

10 Greatest Books Of All Time

10 Greatest Books

This article explores the 10 greatest books of all time. That said, I have to confess that I don’t read as much these days as I’d like to. Why? Cause I’m too busy creating articles, like this one. And when I’m not, I’m usually outside hiking and fly fishing, enjoying the great outdoors. But my … Read more

Surviving A Close Encounter With A Bear

Surviving A Close Encounter With A Bear

This article is all about what you should do if you ever have a close encounter with a bear in the great outdoors. And more specifically, what you can do to stay alive in that situation. That said, I’m no bear expert. But I’ve had LOTS of close encounters with black bears in my life. … Read more

My Hike-In Fly Fishing Gear List

My Hike-In Fly Fishing Gear List

This article is all about My Hike-In Fly Fishing Gear List for a short DAY trip. And what just so happens to be two of my favorite activities to do in life? Well, one is fly fishing. And the other is hiking, of course. So why not combine these two activities by doing both at … Read more