During my last trip to Grayson Highlands, I camped at one of the highest elevation campsites around the entire park. Better still, this campsite provided me with some stunning 360-degree views of the surrounding mountains. Glorious.
But if those panoramic views were a serious sight to behold. Well then, you should’ve seen the breathtaking sunset and sunrise from atop this high peak. Talk about inspiring! Of course, I wanted to write all about these events.
But I found myself at a loss for words. Caught up in each moment in time.
That said, if you really want to know what the Grayson Highlands backpacking experience is all about, as a stirring narrative account of one of my most epic trips there, ever! Well, I’ve already covered it all, right here. So don’t miss out, my friends…
Still, if you’d rather see, visually, for yourself, what Grayson Highlands is really like. Well, you’re in luck, once again. Because, that’s what this post is all about.
Just Grayson Highlands in pictures. Simple as that.
Pictures that I’ve taken on my hiking and backpacking adventures there over the last five, or six, years. I do want to mention, though, that I’m definitely not a trained photographer, nor anything like that. But these are, in my untrained eyes, my very best pictures–among hundreds–reflecting the whole unforgettable Grayson Highlands experience. So I do hope that you’ll enjoy these choice photos, folks!
Oh, and just a pro tip, here. You may wanna read the captions to get the most from these photos…
Just saying…
Also, please give this post a second, or two, to fully load, particularly if you have a slow internet speed..
And so, without further ado, here’s my very best Grayson Highlands photos:

Eat more chikun?

A bit north of the Thomas Knob Shelter.

What’s her beef?

Had no beef?

The tent shown above is the, Big Agnes Tiger Wall UL Ultralight Tent (2-person), which I highly recommend after owning it for 3 years, as the best ultralight freestanding tent for the price.

Ladies, don’t look too closely.
Identifies as a mare?

So, old man, can stallions really become mares? No. Not possible. Not so.

You’ll be out of breath…

Where’s the beef?

Windy days are common in the Highlands. So come prepared.

Clearly, everyone loves her. She’ll stare deep into your eyes. No lie.

Me, I can’t decide.

Grayson Highlands at its finest.

But up next comes the shooting stars, which will absolutely blow your mind.
And that, my friends, is what Grayson Highlands is really like in pictures. So I do truly hope that you’ll get to explore it, too. Or something like it, someday soon. So let’s all just get outside and experience God’s country with our own eyes. And put down those smartphones. Focusing on your sacred breathing. One breath at a time. Leaving behind all your worldly desires… And when you finally do, then you, too, shall know the truth and be free at last for all time. There, I have said my peace.
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Wow! You’re good with the camera as with words. Nice!
Thank you, Jerry, Grayson Highlands gets the credit for the photos!
Great pics Gary!
I hope you get to backpack it again, someday, Dave. It’s usually better live, unless it’s storming.