
So who am I and what’s this blog all about? 

First, I’m Gary Alan. Just regular guy, like you, and everyone else, except that I got really sick of my corporate job, so I finally left it in my forties for early retirement. No, I didn’t just give them my two cheeks notice and quit. I got laid-off, or riffed, while patiently waiting for that severance package. So that was it for my career, and now it was time to move forward in a new direction, which is savequitfish.com. But what is this? 

As the website name implies, it’s the:

early retirement,
budget adventure guide.

In other words, there’s 3 steps to starting your adventure
in early retirement:

  1. Save your money. Lots of it. Invest it, strategically, while mitigating risk.
  2. Quit your job, if you so desire. I’m fully aware many
    people out there say they like, or even love their jobs. Still, a lot of people don’t. You might be one of them? I know I was. More to the point, job satisfaction can change in an instant with the arrival of a new boss you detest, corporate merger, burn out, and so on. So it would behoove all folks to adhere to the sound financial advice, budget tips, and ideas offered on this site.
  3. Live your adventurous life. For me, this means hiking, fly fishing, and taking road trips to new exciting places near my residence, and even far across the US.  And writing about these adventures, and much more, on this website. Well, at least, that’s my idea of adventure in early retirement. An early retirement that means, having the freedom to pursue my adventure travels and passion for writing, instead of dragging myself into a drab, mundane, mind-numbing, pride-swallowing job in corporate America, which I mostly disliked, except for the free food, good salary, and a few other perks.   

So what do I offer readers and subscribers of my blog? I’d like to inspire you to do something you love in life, like I am now. Whether, that’s just a day hike, fly fishing a new river, or even an massive life change, only you can say.

Still have your doubts? Don’t think it’s possible? Well, it is very possible. I know, because I did it. I left corporate America well before my standard 65 sell-by date. And if I can do these things, so can YOU! So let’s get started on your exciting adventure in early retirement.